
Onderzoeken en Publicaties

Op deze pagina vindt u informatie over de onderzoeken die worden uitgevoerd onder vlag van NGinfra. Langlopende onderzoeken vinden veelal plaats in samenwerking met NWO. Kortlopende onderzoeken worden geïnitieerd door de themacenters van NGinfra. .

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Toekomstig onderzoek

Multidisciplinary emergency management
Bekijk project
Strategic Behavior in Liberalized Electricity Sectors
Bekijk project
"‘Publieksvriendelijk’ versnellen van innovatie in netwerksectoren. Een exploratie van wetstechnische mogelijkheden ter bevordering van innovatie in de telecomsector, met behoud van de bescherming van publieke belangen"
Bekijk project
Towards Playful Organizations
Bekijk project
Cross Culture Work
Bekijk project
Transit-Oriented Development in China
Bekijk project
Images of cooperation
Bekijk project
Intermodal Barge Transport
Bekijk project
Making Sense of Open Data
Bekijk project
Designing Multinational Electricity Balancing Markets
Bekijk project
The Adaptive Robust Design approach
Bekijk project
Large-scale copyright enforcement and human rights safeguards in online markets
Bekijk project
Cybersecurity via Intermediaries
Bekijk project
Serving the Poor
Bekijk project
Fostering Climate Resilient Electricity Infrastructures
Bekijk project
The Princess in the Castle
Bekijk project
European short-term electricity market designs under high penetration of wind power
Bekijk project
Market-based support schemes for renewable energy sources
Bekijk project
Eco-transformation of industrial parks in China
Bekijk project
Scripting Transitions
Bekijk project
Common Platform Dilemmas
Bekijk project
Spectrum Trading in the United Kingdom
Bekijk project
Bekijk project
The impact of the policy mix on service innovation
Bekijk project
The Power of Electric Vehicles
Bekijk project
Electricity without borders - The need for cross-border transmission investment in Europe
Bekijk project
Structuring Socio-technical Complexity: Modelling Agent Systems using Institutional Analysis
Bekijk project
Wegen door Brussel
Bekijk project
Robustness and Optimization of Complex Networks
Bekijk project
Handling Disruptions in Supply Chains
Bekijk project
Governance Structures of Free/Open Source Software Development
Bekijk project
Regulation of gas infrastructure expansion
Bekijk project
Understanding socio-technical change
Bekijk project
Clearing the Road for ISA Implementation? Applying Adaptive Policymaking for the Implementation of Intelligent Speed Adaptation
Bekijk project
Transportation Modelling for Regional Evacuations
Bekijk project
Safety Management and Risk Modelling in Aviation
Bekijk project
De ingeslagen weg
Bekijk project
Designing Robust Road Networks
Bekijk project
Epidemics in Networks
Bekijk project
Experiencing Complexity
Bekijk project
Architecture-Driven Integration of Modeling Languages for the Design of Software-Intensive Systems
Bekijk project
Smart Heat and Power
Bekijk project
Modelling Risk Control Measures in Railways
Bekijk project
Governing mobile service innovation in co-evolving value networks
Bekijk project
Road Incidents and Network Dynamics
Bekijk project
Capturing Socio-technical systems with agent-based modelling
Bekijk project
Reliability in urban public transport network assessment and design
Bekijk project
Regional regulation as a new form of telecom sector governance
Bekijk project
Innovative contracting practices in the road sector
Bekijk project
Competing Public Values
Bekijk project
Regulation in Splendid Isolation
Bekijk project
On the conceptual design of large-scale process & energy infrastructure systems integrating flexibility, reliability, availability, maintainability and economics (FRAME) performance metrics
Bekijk project
On Stackelberg and Inverse Stackelberg Games & Their Applications in the Optimal Toll Design Problem, the Energy Markets Liberalization Problem, and in the Theory of Incentives
Bekijk project
Shedding light on the black hole
Bekijk project
Characterization of complex networks
Bekijk project
Exploratory modeling and analysis
Bekijk project
Improving real-time train dispatching
Bekijk project
The new EU approach to sector regulation in the network infrastructure industries
Bekijk project
Intertwining uncertainty analysis and decision-making about drinking water infrastructure
Bekijk project
Dynamic bi-level toll design approach for dynamic traffic networks
Bekijk project
Multi-agent model predictive control with applications to power networks
Bekijk project
The Internet bubble and the impact on the development path of the telecommunication sector
Bekijk project
Networked reliability
Bekijk project
Regulating beyond price, Integrateted price-quality regulation for electricity distribution networks
Bekijk project
Understanding open source communities
Bekijk project
Transport Infrastructure Slot Allocation
Bekijk project
The ecology of metals
Bekijk project
The role of power exchanges for the creation of a single European electricity market. Market design and market regulation
Bekijk project
Quality of Service Routing in the Internet. Theory, Complexity and Algorithms
Bekijk project
Securing the public interest in electricity generation markets. The myths of the invisible hand and the copper plate
Bekijk project
Strategic Behavior and Regulatory Styles in the Netherlands Energy Industry
Bekijk project
The Flexible Port
Bekijk project
National Design and Multinational Integration of Balancing Services Markets
Bekijk project
Simulating Energy Transitions
Bekijk project
Modernization of electricity networks
Bekijk project
Capturing Socio-technical systems with agent-based modelling
Bekijk project
Towards a single European electricity market
Bekijk project